Thoughts on Counseling and TherapyMental Illness Awareness Week
The Complications of Mental Health Stigma and How to Work Against Them In 1990, Congress officially established the first week of October as Mental Illness Awareness Week. This gives those of us in the mental health community a reminder to re-ignite the public’s...
Parenting for Strong Self-Esteem from Birth to College
Tuesday October 10, 2017 From 5:30pm to 6:15pm The most challenging period of our lives might be the time we spend raising our children. A few things about this time stand out as almost universal truths: 1) At any given moment we are doing the best we can as parents....
Understanding and Appreciating the Adolescent Brain
Tuesday September 12, 2017 From 5:30pm-6:15pm Common words associated with adolescence often include: argumentative, raging hormones, moody, uncommunicative, immature, risk-taking, and irrational. While we must acknowledge a certain amount of truth in using such words...
Understanding Binge Eating Disorder
Tuesday, August 8th, 2017 From 5:30pm-6:15pm Minimized, misunderstood, and too-often under-acknowledged, Binge Eating Disorder (or BED) only recently began gaining public recognition just 4 years ago after first obtaining the status of clinical diagnosis in the DSM-V...
How to Have More Sex: Understanding What Turns You On
Part of the Better Sex Series In the last article of the Better Sex Series, you started to understand what turns you off. Remember that thanks-but-no-thanks system? Understanding how your brake systems work for your sex drive can feel discouraging but keep your head...
How to Have More Sex: Understanding What Turns You Off
Part of the Better Sex Series Have you ever thought about your sex drive like it is a car? Emily Nagoski, author of Come As You Are, creatively explains what happens to us when we (or our partner) aren’t feeling so sexy. How many times have you or your partner been in...
Summer 2017 Skip the Rush Hour Series
Tuesday July 25th, 2017: Anxiety On the Brain by Andrew Donaldson, MA, LLPC From 5:30pm-6:15pm The word anxiety can be traced back to its Latin root, “angō,” which has two meanings: 1. “I cause physical pain,” and 2. “I torment, trouble, vex, and/or distress.” Anxiety...
Increasing Intimacy: Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby
Part of the Better Sex Series We read article after article. We talk to our friends, our coworkers, our therapist. We download apps and purchase games. We shop for outfits. We want to know how to be more attractive, more appealing, more sexy. We want our partner to...
Can I Hear You Cry?
“There is no such thing as a baby’ –meaning that if you set out to describe a baby you will find you are describing a baby and someone. A baby cannot exist alone but is essentially part of a relationship” (Winnicott, 1964, p 88). The story begins on a late summer...
Parenthood, Partners, and that Pesky Postpartum Depression
“Are you getting any sleep?” It seemed like this was all people kept asking after I had my baby. A simple question, asked with a knowing smile. From me, it elicited a practiced tilt of the head, half-hearted chuckle, and some sleep-deprived witty comment back that...