Articles about Eating with Intention

Discovering the Satisfaction Factor

Discovering the Satisfaction Factor

Part of the Eating with Intention Series Principle VI: Discovering the Satisfaction Factor How many times have you found yourself choosing to eat something because it was the “lesser of two evils” vs. making a choice about what you really wanted—choosing what would...
Challenging the Food Police

Challenging the Food Police

She is re-capturing a moment with someone experiencing that distinct tinge of guilt, failure, and embarrassment over a food choice. If you’ve ever struggled with food, you know this feeling. I love what she playfully captures here—the absurdity of what she calls the food police.

Honoring Your Hunger

Honoring Your Hunger

We identify and rate hunger and fullness, and we develop holistic plans for nourishment. These elements usher us on the path to freedom that comes with the work of honoring our hunger, and our bodies.

Rejecting the Diet Mentality

Rejecting the Diet Mentality

This series is dedicated to helping you get familiar with the 10 core principles of restoring your relationship with food through Intuitive Eating which provides a thoughtful, compassionate, and research-based path for returning to nurturing our bodies with food.