Articles about Sexuality

Breaking the Myths of Sexual Assault

Breaking the Myths of Sexual Assault

Content Warning: The following article includes topics and scenarios of sexual assault. The intention of this content is to address the common myths around sexual assault that may prevent survivors from seeking support. As a therapist who works with survivors of abuse...
The Impact of Trauma on Intimacy

The Impact of Trauma on Intimacy

What is trauma? In short, trauma is any negative impactful event that has shifted your perception of the world. Trauma can make it extremely difficult to maintain relationships as it forces us to constantly remain in ‘fight or flight’ mode. Feeling constantly on edge...
How to Ask for Sex: Speaking Love

How to Ask for Sex: Speaking Love

Part of the Better Sex Series In the movies, there’s no asking. Two individuals lock eyes, draw closer, and gracefully remove their clothes. It seems effortless – like it’s scripted or something. While this may be a beautiful goal, the problem is that we aren’t always...