Tuesday September 12, 2017
From 5:30pm-6:15pm

Common words associated with adolescence often include: argumentative, raging hormones, moody, uncommunicative, immature, risk-taking, and irrational. While we must acknowledge a certain amount of truth in using such words to describe adolescence, such an overriding negative outlook can sometimes prevent parents and other adults from focusing on the positive and inspiring attributes of adolescents as both individuals and a unique population. Fortunately for both parents and adolescents, current research has begun to challenge and expound on our understanding of the adolescent brain, behavior, and overall development.

To continue the summer series, Alison R. Hester, MS, LMFT will provide listeners with a discussion to better understand the complex and unique developmental stage of adolescence, with an emphasis on the role of neurobiology and interpersonal relationships. With a greater understanding of adolescent development, parents and adolescents can work together to decrease possible negative outcomes and maintain open and communicative relationships.

In addition to highlighting distinctive adolescent neurobiological features, Alison will discuss how family therapy can be effective in the following: resolving conflict between adolescents and parents, increasing connection by acknowledging emotional expression and experience, and the critical role of maintained communication and support for adolescents as they maneuver such a trying, yet brilliant stage in their lives. This talk is open to anyone interested in learning more about adolescent development, ideas for increasing support, connection and effective communication between adolescents, parents and adults.

Coming Next:

  • October 10th, 2017: “Parenting for Strong Self-Esteem from Birth to College” by Dave Thornsen, PsyD
  • November 14th, 2017: “Making Meaning Out of Birth Trauma” by Kelsey Nimmo, MA, LLMFT, LLPC, RYT, CD(DONA), ADS
  • December 12th, 2017: “Create Art: Beating the Holiday Stress” by Kerry Huver MPS, LPC, ATR-BC, CADCM, IMH-Elll

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