
Thoughts on Counseling and Therapy
Rules vs. Relational Intelligence

Rules vs. Relational Intelligence

Therapists learn a lot from their clients. While working with a couple on marital conflicts, we landed on a few practical ground rules designed to keep disagreements from becoming all-out wars at their house. Fearing the guidelines might feel too oppressive to the...

May 2017 is Postpartum Depression Awareness Month

May 2017 is Postpartum Depression Awareness Month

“’The time has come,’ the Walrus said, ‘to talk of many things…’” – Lewis Carroll The time has certainly come. On April 27, Governor Rick Snyder released the Postpartum Depression Proclamation stating that May 2017 is Postpartum Depression Awareness Month in Michigan...

Avoid the High Cost of Divorce

Avoid the High Cost of Divorce

The financial cost of divorce keeps going up and the emotional cost remains consistently as high as ever. When children are involved, the difficulties of the relationship sometimes don’t end but continue right through the divorce into the post-marital relationship. An...

Open House

Open House

Please join us and learn about GR Therapy Group's family and individual services, groups, and unique interventions. All of which highlight and innovative and integrated approach to the treatment of anxiety, addictions, disordered eating, marital concerns, parenting,...

Healthy Brain, Healthy Body, Healthy Life

Healthy Brain, Healthy Body, Healthy Life

SKIP THE RUSH HOUR WELLNESS SERIES Presented by Rosalyn Baker, LMSW, Neurotherapist, Brain Wellness Coach, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Certified Nutritional Consultant, internationally recognized speaker on brain health and nutrition. You won’t want to...

Can Neurofeedback Help Me with My Anxiety?

Can Neurofeedback Help Me with My Anxiety?

Anxiety is a human emotion that most of us would like to avoid. However, there are times when a person is “supposed to be anxious”, such driving in heavy traffic, getting a new hairstyle, going on an important job interview, or whitewater rafting. When someone...

Meditation and the Physical Body

Meditation and the Physical Body

Imagine you are in a quiet room. You are breathing gently – inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply. You can feel your lungs expand as you inhale and on your exhale, your breath whirs at the back of your throat. The room is mostly dark. Your body is comfortable in...

To be Mindful is to Meditate

To be Mindful is to Meditate

When we think of meditation, we often think of sitting on the floor with crossed legs or maybe a group of people in yoga poses on a mountain top. We tend to think of what it looks like and how unattainable it sounds. Free my mind from thoughts? Okay, sure. When we try...

Visual Meaning in the Moment

Visual Meaning in the Moment

I was going through some boxes this past weekend, and I came across my collection of old cameras. Out of curiosity, I googled many of them to find the year that they were made. It turns out that in my collection, I have a camera from each decade starting with the...

Meditation and the Emotional Body

Meditation and the Emotional Body

Could meditation ever replace antidepressants? This is the question of the year. A recent meta-analysis of 47 trials evaluating the effectiveness of mindfulness meditation on anxiety and depression showed that the effect size of meditation was identical to that of...