
Thoughts on Counseling and Therapy
Mindfulness: Deciphering Between Mind Full and Mindful

Mindfulness: Deciphering Between Mind Full and Mindful

Thousands of years ago, in ancient Hindu and Buddhist practices, emerged one of the most well known and effective practices used to alleviate stress and depression, and help manage difficult emotions…mindfulness. Mindfulness is a type of meditation, designed to help...

Getting on Their Level

Getting on Their Level

As a parent of a five and three-year-old, a lot of my reading involves parenting and techniques I work to incorporate with my kiddos. I’ll be the first to admit, that I don’t always meet these standards as we’re all humans who are trying to balance parenting with...

After the Break-Up: Getting Started

After the Break-Up: Getting Started

How to Know When Therapy Would be Helpful In the coming months, I will be offering a multiple-part series offering considerations and guidance for returning to a place of strength and peace following the end of a romantic relationship. In the current social climate,...

I Can Buy Myself Flowers, and I Will!

I Can Buy Myself Flowers, and I Will!

The song, Flowers, by Miley Cyrus speaks of a person who has gone through a break-up, recognizing that all the things her partner had done (and things her partner neglected to do) she can do for herself. It got me thinking about self-care. Take-aways in this article...

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. GR Therapy Group would like to take this time to recognize victims, raise awareness, and connect with others working to end domestic violence. This year’s DV Awareness Project’s theme is to Heal, Hold, and Center. During...

Moving through Panic (Did I Just Have a Panic Attack?)

Moving through Panic (Did I Just Have a Panic Attack?)

Panic attacks are easily one of the scariest and most distressing psychological experiences an individual might have. They tend to come on seemingly out of nowhere (but more on that later), escalate quickly, and leave you feeling that you just endured a near-death...