Thoughts on Counseling and TherapyCouple Conflict: Taking a Pause and Coming Back Together
Consider Taking a Pause You probably don’t need to be told that maintaining and growing intimate relationships is no small feat. The work we put into our romantic relationships is almost impossible to quantify. We do unpaid labor in our homes, work to bring home...
A Snapshot of the Neurobiological Response to Stress/Threat/Danger
Have you ever noticed that sometimes your body takes over and responds for you without your awareness, consent, or permission? Sometimes it saves our lives and other times it can be very confusing or frustrating. I’d like to offer a brief overview from a...
Bulimia Nervosa and Urge Surfing
Bulimia Nervosa is a severe eating disorder that affects men and women of all ages and races. Bulimia is characterized by the behaviors of binge eating and purging via vomiting or other compensatory behaviors like over exercising in efforts to avoid weight gain. For...
The Adolescent Struggle
What is adolescence? The period of growth and development between childhood and adulthood that occurs between ages 13 and 19, although both the physical and psychological changes that take place often start even earlier, between ages 9 and 12. Adolescence can be a...
A Core Issue in Adoption: Identity
November is National Adoption Awareness Month (NAAM). But for adoptees, it’s become National Adoptee Awareness Month. The name change by adoptees is part of their efforts to have a voice in discussions about adoption, rather than having parents and adoption agencies...
Anxiety, Another Stage of Grief
I was unprepared for how Kathy’s death would affect my coworkers and me. Kathy, our administrative assistant, was someone everyone knew and interacted with each day. Sadly, she died suddenly while at work. We all felt the loss of Kathy with the added layer of being...
Picky Positives
We have all heard the expressions, “He is picky about what he eats”, or the variation, “Stop nitpicking!” If those are contexts in which you think of the word, “picky”, then maybe you associate a negative connotation with it. In that case, you might have read the...
Vulnerability in Relationships
I was recently given a coloring page from my nephew. This picture did not follow the rules; it was full of coloring outside of the lines and a blue horse. It was wild and he was proud of his work. He worked up the courage to hand his magical creation to me and I...
Hurry Sickness
Life gets busy, and gets busy fast. Between work, carting kids to and from school and their activities, errand running, church, volunteering, the schedule gets packed, and gets packed fast. Even think about when someone you run into or say hello to asks you how you...
The Second Arrow of Suffering
We all have had something upsetting or disappointing happen, and sometimes we get frustrated at ourselves or others. We wish things could be different. Our interpretation of events plays a large role in how we experience them. For example, someone at work or home left...