Articles about Wellness

After the Break-Up: Getting Started

After the Break-Up: Getting Started

How to Know When Therapy Would be Helpful In the coming months, I will be offering a multiple-part series offering considerations and guidance for returning to a place of strength and peace following the end of a romantic relationship. In the current social climate,...
Bulimia Nervosa and Urge Surfing

Bulimia Nervosa and Urge Surfing

Bulimia Nervosa is a severe eating disorder that affects men and women of all ages and races. Bulimia is characterized by the behaviors of binge eating and purging via vomiting or other compensatory behaviors like over exercising in efforts to avoid weight gain. For...
Picky Positives

Picky Positives

We have all heard the expressions, “He is picky about what he eats”, or the variation, “Stop nitpicking!” If those are contexts in which you think of the word, “picky”, then maybe you associate a negative connotation with it. In that case, you might have read the...
Weight Stigma Awareness Week

Weight Stigma Awareness Week

Last year kicked off the very first Weight Stigma Awareness Week (WSAW) courtesy of the National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA). This September 28 through October 2, 2020 is the second annual awareness week to increase awareness of weight stigma. Weight Stigma...
When Work is Home and Home is Work

When Work is Home and Home is Work

We all miss a number of things at the moment, but I’ve been missing my car. That rusted out, dented in, squeaky wipers, 2001 hatchback Ford Focus (aka silver fox named Hank the Tank) has long been a safe space for this counselor to drive home after a long day of work....
Growing Resilience in a World Gone Wrong

Growing Resilience in a World Gone Wrong

What a strange, exhausting, frightening month it has been. Our rhythms of life have been fully interrupted; a day in the life of quarantine can move from panic to boredom, contentment to grief, anxiety to depression, and yes, joy to gratitude… only to rinse and repeat...