Articles about Families

The Only Cure for Grief is Action
Over the years, as a Social Worker and Marriage and Family Therapist, I have heard many stories about all kinds of dads – some wonderful, some absent, some mediocre, some abusive. As a daughter, I know I have never stopped longing for my dad’s approval. I truly...
What Parents Need to Remember when their Kids are Coping with Divorce or Separation
Divorce and/or separation is one of the most challenging things for families to navigate as life for everyone drastically changes. Its important that no matter the circumstances surrounding the divorce or separation, that we keep in mind what children are going...
Signs that You May Be in an Enmeshed Relationship
To me, nothing is better on a Friday night than a nice drive, rolling the car windows down, and playing music. The other day on my ride home, I turned on my jazz playlist to an overwhelming volume, put the car in drive, and began filling the cabin with new, fall air....
Should I Come Out to My Parents?
There is no perfect way for a person to come out to intolerant parents. This conversation certainly can be one of the most difficult moments in a person’s life. But it is common to feel relief afterward. Even when it doesn’t go so well at first.

Setting Boundaries with Your Adult Children
Learn the difference between supporting and enabling your adult children. Address how our own issues can interfere with the process of “letting go” out of fear. You can “let go” of their problems, love them as they are, and get on with your own life, and allow your adult child to get on with their own!

Hosting a Meaningful, Conflict-Free Gathering
Are you hosting a family gathering over the holidays? Is your excitement mixed with a bit of dread over the possibility of the event not going so well? Get togethers like these can certainly be both wonderful and highly stressful — all at the same time! So, how will...
Difficult Holiday Discussions
Thanksgiving is here and for many of us the desire to rest and enjoy a feast is overshadowed by the fear of repeating the difficult political discussions from last yearʼs holiday season. Sure itʼs been a year, and a lot has happened, but the beliefs and fears of both...