
Thoughts on Counseling and Therapy
So, You Really Are Keeping Your Resolution…

So, You Really Are Keeping Your Resolution…

Almost half of all adults make a New Year's resolution. But once the party hats and horns are put away, it's hard to muster up the ambition to follow through. It only takes one week and about 25% of resolution makers have already lost focus. According to University of...

Summer, a Good Time to Balance

The idea of summer brings many things to mind – backyards, bbqs, beaches, iced tea on the porch and days spent relaxing with family and friends. What summer doesn’t remind us of all that much is work, but, in a way, the play that summer involves is intimately...

Don’t Let Conflict Harm Your Relationship, Part 3

The truth about conflict avoidance is that it is not honest. In order to avoid conflict a person must essentially lie. They say “Yes” when they really mean “No.” They say “No” when they really mean “Yes.” They leave something out of what they are saying because they...

Don’t Let Conflict Harm Your Relationship

Most couples coming into therapy identify “communication” as the main issue that caused them to call. We’re so used to the word that we forget what a complicated and fragile thing communication is. Because so many factors create communication, there are just as many...

A Happy Couple’s Arithmetic: O+I=R

O+I=R This simple equation explains what we need to experience a thriving, dynamic relationship. O stands for OBSERVATION Observation is a crucial aspect of any partner’s effectiveness in a relationship. Observation is how we know what’s going on. Without observation...

Take Your Relationship to the Next Level

People often seem shocked when I tell them that all couples can benefit from counseling. I think that response comes from the idea that marriage counseling is only for helping couples get through a crisis. It’s not. The research has shown us that couples tend to make...

5 Ways to Guide Teens through Risk Taking

Teenagers fall in love, and they make love. They smoke pot and cigarettes. They drink alcohol. And most of this is behind their parents backs because they’ve been warned, “You better never…” When parents communicate with threats, the message translates to, “You better...