Articles about Parenting

Getting on Their Level

Getting on Their Level

As a parent of a five and three-year-old, a lot of my reading involves parenting and techniques I work to incorporate with my kiddos. I’ll be the first to admit, that I don’t always meet these standards as we’re all humans who are trying to balance parenting with...
A Core Issue in Adoption: Identity

A Core Issue in Adoption: Identity

November is National Adoption Awareness Month (NAAM). But for adoptees, it’s become National Adoptee Awareness Month. The name change by adoptees is part of their efforts to have a voice in discussions about adoption, rather than having parents and adoption agencies...
Hurry Sickness

Hurry Sickness

Life gets busy, and gets busy fast. Between work, carting kids to and from school and their activities, errand running, church, volunteering, the schedule gets packed, and gets packed fast. Even think about when someone you run into or say hello to asks you how you...
To All the Moms

To All the Moms

Sometimes we think that a big part of what happens in therapy involves criticizing the mother of the patient. Actually as a profession, therapists probably have a greater sense of the importance of mothers than almost any other group. D.W. Winnicott helped us...
Moving Through an Affair: The Decision

Moving Through an Affair: The Decision

After writing about the initial crisis period of an affair, it was clear to me that a follow-up article was necessary. I have to confess, though, that it has been a challenge to write. There’s so much complexity and uniqueness to every relationship, so much to fill in...
“Rules of Engagement” in Parenting

“Rules of Engagement” in Parenting

On December 31, 2000, my 12-year-old yelled, “you and dad are soooo ill prepared to raise kids in the new millennium”. She was right; although she did not appreciate our laughter at the topic. These “Rules of Engagement” work as well today as they did twenty years...