
Thoughts on Counseling and Therapy

Creating a Healthy Check Valve for Emotional Energy

Feelings are energy. When you are angry, you have negative energy. Happiness is positive energy. People are the containers for their feelings, like a pressure cooker contains steam. When we experiences events in our lives that create intense emotions, we often becomes...

Holiday Daze: Understanding the Stress of the Season

We all wish our winter holidays to be a time for celebrating, happiness, thankfulness, and togetherness. By October, we've started to form expectations - fantasies about gifts, family, and friends. But often those aren't met. We'll feel resentful, hurt, and...

How Neurofeedback Can Help with ADHD

Neurofeedback can be used to treat ADHD (as well as depression/anxiety, pain management, epilepsy, PTSD). Although it's not a cure, clients often no longer need to take medication or are able to significantly reduce medication. September is ADHD Awareness Month and a...

3 Step-Parenting Myths

The day after the wedding of Jenny's father and myself, I overheard her playmate ask, “Is she a wicked stepmother?” It then occurred to me that I may struggle in my new role - not only with being a stepparent, but also with Step Parenting Myths. I was afraid that I’d...

What’s a Substance Abuse Assessment?

September is National Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery Month. For many people, a major step toward recovery was getting a substance abuse assessment. Depending on the individual’s circumstance, the reason one may seek an assessment could be: Required: a person is...

So, Who Needs Therapy Anyway?

Perhaps there has been a time when you... wished you had a best friend who was available to listen to something you were upset about had a secret which was bothering you and you didn’t feel you could tell anyone you felt so depressed, anxious, worried or upset over...