Sex Therapy

It is no secret that sex and intimacy can be uncomfortable to talk about. But sex therapy is designed to provide a safe, supportive, and non-judgmental space to talk about one’s issues or concerns.

More specifically, sex therapy is a form of therapy that focuses on physical, psychological, and/or emotional sex-related issues and/or concerns. The goal is to address sexual problems and improve one’s sexual pleasure and/or satisfaction. Sex therapy can also focus on individual sex-related issues or sex-related issues within a relationship.

Sex therapy begins with discussions of the client’s history, experiences, emotions, and beliefs, in order to identify what may have caused, contributed to, or is sustaining the sexual problem and dissatisfaction. As sex therapy progresses, therapy sessions can involve assignments including: communication, physical and sexual education, decreasing anxiety, increasing curiosity, and exploration of sensation and perception.

Certified Sex Therapists must be certified through the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT). Additionally, certified Sex Therapists will have specialized training in both psychotherapy and sexuality. One may also find licensed professionals, that are not yet certified sex therapists, but still have additional training and/or education in sexual health and wellness. Certified Sex Therapists and Licensed professionals can treat a variety of issues, including but not limited to:


  • Sexual trauma
  • Sexual anxiety
  • Male/Female arousal concerns
  • Compulsive sexual behaviors
  • Premature/Delayed ejaculation
  • Desire discrepancy
  • Distress about sexual orientation or gender identity
  • Distress about sexual preferences and/or beliefs
  • Low sexual desire
  • Orgasm difficulties
  • Painful sex

Articles about Sexuality

Breaking the Myths of Sexual Assault

Breaking the Myths of Sexual Assault

Content Warning: The following article includes topics and scenarios of sexual assault. The intention of this content is to address the common myths around sexual assault that may prevent survivors from seeking support. As a therapist who works with survivors of abuse...

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