Adolescent Female Empowerment Groups

Counseling groups for adolescent females in middle school and high school.

The groups will focus on the empowerment of young girls as we cover a range of topics including emotions, relationships with friends and family, effectively managing stress, body image and self-esteem, societal pressures, and media literacy. The groups will provide members with a space to engage in an interactive process giving consideration to their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors as they navigate common transitions in life.

Groups will meet biweekly at the Grandville location:

  • 6th–8th grade: Every other Thursday 5-6pm, beginning 10/5/2023
  • 9th–12th grade: Every other Tuesday 6-7pm, beginning 9/26/2023

If you are interested in joining the group, please call the office at (616) 591-9000 and make an appointment with Kahlin Kelly.